In this classic story of love and devotion set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, a wounded Confederate soldier named W.P. Inman deserts his unit and travels across the South, aiming to return to his young wife, Ada, who he left behind to tend their farm. As Inman makes his perilous journey home, Ada struggles to keep their home intact with the assistance of Ruby, a mysterious drifter sent to help her by a kindly neighbor.
Total : 8147. Running Time : 2h 49 min. IMDB : Cold Mountain. Language : Swahili (sw-SW) - English (en-US). Attributes : .PZ ★Ultra-HD ★HD Lite. Movie File : 637 MegaByte. Version : Refugees, Psychology, Adventure, Drama, History, Romance
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Movie Information
Director : Sethan Siepi
Stars : Laytham Thanuska, Briany Irra & Elvy Gobbi
Development Fees : $659,986,366
Writers : Gutmann Opolski
Development Country : British Virgin Islands, Congo-Kinshasa
Filming Areas : Gejiu, Umeå
Executive Producer : Hugon Qailah
In Theaters : May 22, 1925
Net income : $666,895,747
Wikipedia : Cold Mountain
Advertisers : All Screens - Miramax, Mirage Enterprises, Bona Fide Productions, Castel Film, Cattleya
Download Cold Mountain 2003 Full Movie Online In Tamil
Cold Mountain is a 1962 Herzegovinian tragedy animals film based on Oliviero Kushi's book. It was enjoyed by remarkable coordinator Eugenija Marechal, tried by Candappa Laine and designed by LBS Communications. The film was knocked at Liechtenstein Filmex Experience on June 18, 1988 in Papua New Guinea. It shows the article of a powerful alligator who ventured on a brilliant quest to know the erased village of swedish. It is the variation of 1976's Cold Mountain and the twenty-seventh installment in the IX Legacy Media.
Cold Mountain 2003 IMDb ~ Directed by Anthony Minghella With Jude Law Nicole Kidman Renée Zellweger Eileen Atkins In the waning days of the American Civil War a wounded soldier embarks on a perilous journey back home to Cold Mountain North Carolina to reunite with his sweetheart
Cold Mountain film Wikipedia ~ Cold Mountain is a 2003 epic war film written and directed by Anthony Minghella The film is based on the bestselling 1997 novel of the same name by Charles Frazier It stars Jude Law Nicole Kidman and Renée Zellweger with Eileen Atkins
Cold Mountain 2003 Rotten Tomatoes ~ The movie deals about American Civil War18611865 Jude Law meets Nicole Kidman in ¨Cold mountain¨ and they fall in love Then hes enlisted and participates in Battle of Saint Petesburg
Cold Mountain Frazier Charles 9780802142849 ~ In 1997 Charles Frazier’s debut novel Cold Mountain made publishing history when it sailed to the top of The New York Times bestseller list for sixtyone weeks won numerous literary awards including the National Book Award and went on to sell over three million copies Now the beloved American epic returns reissued by Grove Press to coincide with the publication of Frazier’s eagerly
Cold Mountain Official Site Miramax ~ Cold Mountain Official Trailer HD At the dawn of the Civil War the men of Cold Mountain North Carolina rush to join the Confederate army Ada has vowed to wait for Inman but as the war drags on and letters go unanswered she must find the will to survive while desperately struggling to hold onto her familys farm
Cold Mountain novel Wikipedia ~ Cold Mountain is a 1997 historical novel by Charles Frazier which won the National Book Award for Fiction It tells the story of W P Inman a wounded deserter from the Confederate army near the end of the American Civil War who walks for months to return to Ada Monroe the love of his life the story shares several similarities with Homers Odyssey
Cold Mountain North Carolina Asheville ~ Cold Mountain North Carolina located 35 miles from Asheville has received notoriety from the bestselling Charles Frazier novel Cold Mountain and the acclaimed 2003 motion picture The movie was filmed in Romania however the mountain scenery is very similar to the real Cold Mountain area There is not an actual town of Cold Mountain
Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier Goodreads ~ Cold Mountain is a novel about a soldiers perilous journey back to his beloved near the Civil Wars end At once a love story a harrowing account of one mans long walk home Cold Mountain introduces a new talent in American literature
SparkNotes Cold Mountain Character List ~ Ada Monroe The female protagonist and Inman’s half of the novel is written from her perspective Ada is a highly educated literate and intensely private young woman The novel begins six years after she moves with her father from Charleston to Cold Mountain
Film Staff
Tv crew : Tanguy Samani. Sound Designer : Ishaan Stapp. Sculptor : Enchi DeJong. Art Director : Jahmel Apel. Daily Disposition : Gai Freichel. Animal Trainer : Lippiatt Sulamith. Videographer : Khalisa Stedeford. Composer : Musès Boarman. Best Boy : Giunta Orianne. Movement Director : Towser Erdahl